Hally Labels New Zealand rebrands to Multi-Color Corporation
We are pleased to announce that as of 1 May 2023, the Hally Labels business in New Zealand will re-brand to Multi-Color Corporation (MCC). Our Auckland location will now be known as Multi-Color Auckland and our Christchurch location will be known as Multi-Color Christchurch.
Beyond a new name and look from us, most things will remain the same:
- We will continue under our existing GST (081-623-724) as Hally Labels Ltd, trading as MCC Christchurch / MCC Auckland
- Our bank account remains the same
- For the majority, your key sales, customer action team and accounts contacts remain the same. You will either have contact with MCC Christchurch or MCC Auckland
You will still be able to email Hally Labels, however, all outgoing communication will be sent from MCC. Please take the time to update your contacts list accordingly.
The Hally Labels website will continue to provide an ever-growing library of knowledge for our customers and the wider labelling community and will gradually be rebranded to MCC Christchurch. And our social media platforms will promote MCC Christchurch content moving forward.
We would like to thank every one of our valued customers for their ongoing support of our business. We are excited to offer you access to global leadership in premium labelling solutions under the MCC brand.
We are available to discuss these changes if you have any questions, please do reach out.
For more information on MCC, its offering and global network of labelling support please visit mcclabel.com